How to save money on your energy and gas bills

  • Save on water bills by taking shorter showers, turning off taps while brushing teeth, using rainwater for gardening, and fixing leaks promptly.
  • Reduce electric bills by boiling only needed water, washing full loads of laundry, choosing energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs, upgrading to an efficient boiler, and turning off standby appliances.
  • Lower gas bills by using oven heat to warm rooms, turning down thermostats, using draught excluders and insulation, and performing a power flush on the heating system for improved efficiency.

Everybody in the UK has one thing on their mind at the moment – how to save money on energy bills.

In this article, we’ll present our top energy-saving tips for cutting down on electricity, gas and water to hopefully soften the blow to your pocket. So let’s explore them now.

coins spilling out of a piggy bank glass jar

How to save on water bills

  • We need water to bathe ourselves, clean our homes and tend our gardens. As such, our water usage can add up, one drop at a time. Luckily, there are several easy ways to lessen the amount of water you use throughout the year.
  • Take shorter showers: A long, leisurely shower could be using tens of litres of water each time. Cutting down on shower time will save you valuable litres, as could changing the shower head to an energy-efficient attachment. And definitely leave baths for a treat, as they are a big consumer of water when full to the brim.
  • Brushing teeth: You really don’t need to leave the tap on while cleaning your teeth. Running the bristles through water before and after use is sufficient.
  • Install a rainwater butt: Maintaining our gardens can consume a lot of water, particularly when hoses are used. Instead, use the natural resource of rain by not watering when there’s been a downpour and install a rainwater butt in the garden to use during drier periods.
  • Be less car-proud: As much as you might like your car to always look as good as new, it’s quite a water-heavy operation to wash it regularly.
  • Ultimately, when you’re trying to cut back, letting a bit of dirt build up won’t do your vehicle much harm.
  • Fix water leaks: A dripping tap or a hidden leak can really hit your wallet hard, despite seeming pretty unassuming. At their worst, leaks can add up to £100 onto your annual bill, which is why getting a plumber to check for leaks and fix them is an essential job you can’t skimp on.

several lit light bulbs against black background

How to save on electric bills

  • From lights to appliances, modern life is incomplete without electricity. Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to cut down on those bills.
    Boil just enough: We like a cuppa here in the UK, but those hot brews can boost our energy bills, which is why you should take care to only boil as much water as you need for that moment. Many kettles now have markings on the side to instruct users on far up to fill for one cup, two cups and so on.
  • Wash a full load: Washing machines use a double whammy of water and electricity, so make sure you have a full load before flicking the switch.
  • Opt for efficient appliances: With eco-friendly living becoming ever more important and easily accessible to the mass market, it’s now relatively straightforward to find energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. Make sure to shop around to compare energy ratings – this extra bit of effort could save both the planet and your pocket.
  • Upgrade your boiler: Replacing an old boiler with a more efficient model is a superb long-term investment that can potentially save you hundreds on your bills. Speak to a central heating expert such as Around the Bend Plumbing for more advice.
  • Turn off standby: Leaving appliances on standby may seem harmless – but when left on constantly and all year, it can certainly make a difference to your energy bills. And once you’re in the habit of turning off the standby lights, you won’t think twice.

small plant growing from pile of coins

How to save on gas bills

  • Heating the home and cooking our food is the main job of your gas supply, so let’s explore how we can keep our gas usage to a minimum.
  • Leave the oven door open after cooking: Heating up an oven can become a double-purpose action that not only cooks your food, but also can heat your home. Just leave the oven door open after you’ve finished using it and let the excess heat warm up adjacent rooms.
  • Turn down the thermostat: Many of us are investing in warm clothes and blankets to see us through the winter months. When the heating does go on, popping the thermostat down just one degree less than usual can still have a big effect on lowering your bills.
  • Draught excluders: You might not think that a bit of rolled up material at the bottom of the door could do much, but draught excluders are a cheap yet effective way from trapping warm air in each room. Draught tape is also available to purchase for use on windows.
  • Incorporate insulation: A slightly bigger investment, but if you’ve got the money to spare then improving the insulation of your home can make a significant long-term difference to the heat retention of your home.
  • Perform a power flush: A power flush is essentially a deep clean of your heating system, and its job is to remove debris and dislodge blockages. After a flush, the heating system can operate much more efficiently, saving you money on bills.

Ensure your heating systems and water leaks are fixed, upgraded and ready for winter with help from Around the Bend Plumbing – we also provide power flushing to ensure your heating system is performing at its best. Around the Bend Plumbing also offer a comprehensive range of plumbing services including, kitchen plumbing, bathroom plumbing, toilet & sink unblocking, radiator plumbing, plumbing repairsfixing burst pipes and leaks & central heating services. We’re available 24/7 to customers across, Heathfield, Lewes, Tunbridge Wells, Brighton, Hove and Eastbourne, and provide guarantees on repairs and boiler installations – just get in touch to find out more.


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A: Around The Bend Plumbing
Archer House, Britland Estate
Northbourne Road
BN22 8PW


T: 0800 756 5115

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